Private rainforest reserve Green Life was established in 2009 on the borders with National Park Gunung Leuser in North Sumatra, the Bohorok region. The main purpose is to simply restore biodiversity and return the land to nature for the rainforest to take over. The reservation also creates a protective buffer zone between plantations and National Park Gurung Leuser. This prevents access for poachers and illegal timber loggers into the national park. The returned land to nature to take over and become part of the Green Life reserve. Redeemed land is not always a grown rainforest, a lot of times is a secondary rainforest or acquired rubber tree plantations. All land is left for nature to take over naturally without any human activity. The most we do is to plant a few fruit trees at some plots for support of livelihood for wild animals.

History of the Reserve

The reservation started only from 4 hectares in 2009. This allowed the base of the reserve to be founded and later expanded to 10 hectares during the same year. Between the years 2012-2014, a major expansion took place thanks to public support and the reserve reached 72HA by the end of 2014. In 2019, the Green Life reserve reached 121 HA of redeemed land and by end of 2020, the reserve has reached 127.5HA. 43.1HA of land were acquired in one transaction thanks to a single donor in August 2020.

You can help us to expand the reserve and in return. Everyone can contribute depending on their circumstance.


· Maintenance & Security of the Reserve

Reserve Green Life is guarded and protected by our team Community Rangers. Borders of the reservation are visibly maintained and monitored all the time. Trail cameras play a huge role in this effort which helps us to monitor not just wildlife but illegal activity too. Over the years we had a lot of successful instances of capturing poachers and handing them over to legal authorities. There are also several camps in the reserve which serve as a base for our volunteers and Educational programs. Volunteers play a crucial part and help out a lot in maintaining the reserve. This gives an amazing opportunity for ordinary people to experience true rainforest while helping our cause.


Our private reserve can only exist thanks to ordinary people and ethical companies that are interested in preserving the rainforest. There is no doubt the devastation of the rainforest is a crime of present days. Please help us to expand the reserve, give biodiversity and wild animals more space to live and thrive. In return, rainforests will take care of us.

We offer several options for how you can get involved.

· Single Donation

· Recurring Monthy Donation

What happens to the donated finances?

The donated finances are use for reforestation to expand a new area and for necessary maintenance of Reserve.

DONATE BUTTON - “Save The Rainforest” (please Specify your donation as “Save the Rainforest”)

How do we ensure security?

The land is checked regularly by our Community Rangers team. We also install trail cameras in the land to have complete oversight and monitor every activity.

Reservation Today

Up to this day, the reserve has an area of 127.5 Hectares. The land which has been added to the reserve over the last decade has been completely transformed. In some cases, the land acquired had been previously used for farming or plantations, some even burned-out land. If you look at some of these lands when it was acquired, and then look at them today, the place is unrecognizable. The transformation and rainforest regeneration is astonishing! The sight of wild animals is a regular occurrence in the reserve and it’s a great sign that the project is successful. There are plans for further expansion of the reserve in the future.


The land around the national park is an exclusion zone that is owned by the state and rented out for specific purposes like farming, plantations, or other business use. The rights to this land are acquired in the name of our Organisation YHUA. We buys the rights to the land from prospective renters for an agreed price. There is an official contract with the state land registry to transfer the rights to YHUA from a renter and the renter is financially compensated and agreement is signed with the witness of a notary public.

The land is acquired in the name of our local entity Korporasi that buy the rights to the land from prospective owners for an agreed price. There is an official contract with the state land registry to transfer the right to Korporasi. The 175.5 Hectares of land had been acquired by Forest For Children. Justice For Nature is yet to acquire land in the future to expand the reserve once there are enough funds to do so.


·Reserve Green Life is guarded and protected by our team Community Rangers. Borders of the reservation are visibly maintained and monitored all the time. Trail cameras play a huge role in this effort which helps us to monitor not just wildlife but illegal activity too. Over the years we had a lot of successful instances of capturing poachers and handing them over to legal authorities. There are also several camps in the reserve which serve as a base for our volunteers and Educational programs. Volunteers play a crucial part and help out a lot in maintaining the reserve. This gives an amazing opportunity for ordinary people to experience true rainforest while helping our cause.


Our private reserve can only exist thanks to ordinary people and ethical companies that are interested in preserving the rainforest. There is no doubt the devastation of the rainforest is a crime of present days. Please help us to expand the reserve, give biodiversity and wild animals more space to live and thrive. In return, rainforests will take care of us.

We offer several options for how you can get involved.

· Single Donation

· Recurring Monthy Donation

What happens to the donated finances?

The donated finances are use for reforestation to expand a new area and for necessary maintenance of Reserve.

DONATE BUTTON - “Save The Rainforest” (please Specify your donation as “Save the Rainforest”)

How do we ensure security?

The land is checked regularly by our Community Rangers team. We also install trail cameras in the land to have complete oversight and monitor every activity.


Batu katak is an amazing place to have adventures in. Be it a ride with a scooter, a surf in the beautiful forest or an expedition into the wildlife, you will find plenty of action. Contact us so we can help you organize a memorable stay at one of the most magical places on the planet.